Care & Maintenance

  • Check hard disk health using our DVR under Main Menu > Storage > HDD Detect
  • Try the playback every month to make sure all settings are in order.
  • Clean the area around the DVR to make sure its dust-free thus prolong the lifespan.
  • Overheated DVR may cause failure over time, so check if the inner fan is working.
  • Clean the camera screen every year to prevent blurry vision.

  • Replace the backup battery every 2 years due to depletion.
  • Make sure there are no insects or lizards living inside the control panel box which would cause short-circuit.
  • Perform a Walk-test before going away for a longer period of time to make sure all sensors are in order.
  • Once in a while try out the panic button to make sure the siren and call-out function is working.

  • Replace the backup battery every 2 years due to depletion.
  • Make sure there are no insects or lizards living inside the power supply box which would cause short-circuit.
  • Once in a while try giving the door a hard pull to test the Electromagnetic lock suction power.
  • Pull monthly reports to make sure no transactions have been left out.
  • Always keep a backup file of the final configuration.
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